Midvale Middle School
School Community Council Minutes
May 3, 2023 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Online Meeting: https://meet.google.com/xrq-yvsw-sck
Parent Members: Pamela Brown, Kathy Anderson, Alicia Woodward, Alyssa Powers, Andrea Andersen, Benjamin Wood, Janette Pasaye, Jessica Dalton, Mac McCann, Mandy Yu, Stephanie Liu and Rachel Pena. Alternate: Minh Thu Liew Parents in attendance: Pamela Brown, Alyssa Powers, Alicia Woodward, Andrea Andersen, Mac McCann, Minh Thu Liew, Benjamin Wood, Kathy Andersen, Stephanie Liu, Rachel Pena, Janette Pasaye
Parents not present: Mandy Yu, Jessica Dalton, Patricia Costello
Faculty members in attendance: Mindy Robison, Amy Skelton, Jessica Olmos, Jordan Cloward and Shelley Allen.
- Welcome Pamela Brown
- Action Item: Approve April Minutes
Motion to approve: Alyssa Powers
Second: Mac McCann
Passed unanimously
- PTSA Update Patricia Costello
We need a PTSA president for next year.
Time commitment is an hour or less each week.
- Community School Facilitator Report Jessica Olmos
We are Midvale Cultural Night – May 11th
SCC members helping at the welcome table.
We are Midvale Cultural Night (May 11th)
Food Trucks will be available at 5:30
Session 1 of performances will begin at 6:15
Session 2 of performances will begin at 7:15
Performances will last about 40 minutes.
Different activities will be available to participate in and families can complete a
passport of the different activities.
Attendance Update:
RISE testing coming up in May, students will be recording tips and tricks for getting to bed on time and eating a good breakfast.
We’ve taken photos of our students for their attendance posters to use next year.
- Portrait of a Graduate Update Shelley Allen
Upcoming RISE UP Lessons:
Goal Setting
Service Reflection
End of Year Celebrations:
8th Grade Awards Night – May 18, 6 PM
7th Grade PILOT Activities – May 23, during the school day
6th Grade WADE Activities – May 23, during the school day
- Counselors Report Amy Skelton
Continuing work on scheduling.
Spring Connectedness Survey
We are continuing to increase the number of students who respond that they have an adult
in school to go for help. 87.70% of students know they have an adult in school they can
go to for help.
We are also increasing in the number of students who say they have a friend at school.
96.18% of students feel like they have friends at Midvale.
- End of Year Data Mindy Robison
RI Data
Total % of students who achieved expected growth = 55%
6th grade students who achieved expected growth = 56%
7th grade students who achieved expected growth = 57%
8th grade students who achieved expected growth = 73%
MI Data
Total % of students who achieved expected growth = 41%
6th grade students who achieved expected growth = 34%
7th grade students who achieved expected growth = 48%
8th grade students who achieved expected growth = 43%
- TSSP Mindy Robison
- 75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Reading Inventory (RI)
during the current school year.
- 60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Math Inventory (MI) during the current school year.
- On a monthly basis, at least 95% of students will be recognized through our school-wide positive behavior intervention system.
100% of students have been recognized each month
Student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through the implementation of the after-school program, counseling supports, and lessons in homeroom on Portrait of a Graduate.
- Targeted School Improvement (TSI) Mindy Robison
Met exit criteria for economically disadvantaged
Still qualify for Special Education, Hispanic, Multilingual learners, and African
American students
- TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets Mindy Robison
We are on track and have the ability to carry over 10% of the budget to next year.
- Bylaw Review Mindy Robison
Elections: Notification of available School Community Council parent member seats, election dates, and procedures for declaring candidacy for the SCC will be emailed home during the first week of school.
- If the number of candidates is less than or equal to the available seats, then all candidates will be appointed to the SCC;
- The SCC may have a maximum of 12 parent members.
- If the number of candidates exceeds the available seats, a formal election will take place.
- Elections will be held two weeks after the first day of school.
- Two alternates will be selected from the remaining unelected candidates in the order of the number of votes received.
- Alternates will be required to attend the SCC meetings.
- Alternates will be appointed as voting members of the council if a seat is vacated prior to the next election and the council votes to fill the vacated seat.
- All elected positions are for two-year terms.
- In the event that members neglect to appear for meetings or do not in other ways meet the requirements for serving on the SCC, they may be removed by a vote by the quorum and replaced in like manner.
- Member Feedback Pamela Brown
Things we like:
Parents feel more involved, with a better understanding of data, budgets and planning.
Greater understanding of the needs of the students and the wonderful efforts the
administration and the whole faculty have made in order to meet those needs.
Grateful for the chance to meet other parents who care and for the administration and
teachers who go above and beyond.
Obtaining a deeper understanding of the risks our children are facing.
Appreciate our SCC team and the work everyone is doing.
Learning all the different areas of the school, feel more connected to the school and the
Appreciate all the people at the school who advocate for the needs of our students.
Enjoy the information Mindy provides each meeting.
Appreciate the teachers and administration.
Learning about the SCC does, all the things a school does behind the scenes.
Areas of refinement:
Get more parents involved including parents from different backgrounds.
Communicate about SCC during PTC and other times parents are in the building to try
to get more parents involved.
Consider ways to advocating needs to representatives, maybe working with other School
Community Councils.
Looking at best practices from other School Community Councils.
Represent all our community with our SCC members.
Janette Pasaye speaks Spanish and is willing to help reach out to our families who
speak Spanish to increase the representation on our SCC.
Work together with PTSA, be in better communication with PTSA.
Develop a short way to communicate what SCC is might help get other parents involved.
Send out quotes from parents about serving on SCC at the beginning of the school year
to hopefully get more parents involved.
District Resources and Information for SCC Members: