7852 Pioneer Street, Midvale, UT 84047

Midvale Middle School 

School Community Council Minutes

March 1, 2023 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Front Office Conference Room at Midvale Middle School

Parent Members: Pamela Brown, Kathy Anderson, Alicia Woodward, Alyssa Powers, Andrea Andersen, Benjamin Wood, Janette Pasaye, Jessica Dalton, Mac McCann, Mandy Yu, Stephanie Liu and Rachel Pena. Alternate: Minh Thu Liew Parents in attendance: Pamela Brown, Mandy Yu, Alicia Woodward, Rachel Pena, Stephanie Liu, Andrea Andersen, Alyssa Powers, Jessica Dalton, Kathy Andersen, Benjamin Wood  

Parents not present: Minh Thu Liew, Stephanie Liu, Janette Pasaye, and Mac McCann

Board Member Present: Mont Millerberg

Faculty members in attendance: Mindy Robison, Courtney Long, Amy Skelton, Jessica Olmos, Jordan Cloward, and Shelley Allen. 

1.Welcome ~ Pamela Brown   

2. Action Item: Approve February Minutes 

Motion to approve: Rachel Pena

Second: Jessica Dalton 

Passed unanimously

2. Community School Facilitator Report ~ Jessica Olmos

            CAYCI Survey Feb 27th- March 17th 

Parents can return the paper form to the school or take the online version.  Students will get a treat if a parent completes the survey.  Students can return a slip of paper that parents sign if they complete the online version. 

 Students are taking the survey in RISE UP March 10th, teachers given time on Thursday. 

              We are Midvale Cultural Night (May 11th) 
                     Committee has set the format for that night:
                     Two sessions – student performances in the auditorium
                     Arts and crafts in the orange pod
                     Latinos in Action may teach a cultural dance
                     Activities and food trucks outside, all food truck items will be $
                     Cultural displays will be in the forum 

               If you would like to help, let Jessica Olmos know.

Attendance Update:

                 Attendance booth on parent teacher conferences handed out pens with our attendance 
                 logo “Show Up On Time, All Day, Every Day”
                 One of our student mentors is tracking data and sending our positive parent square messages. 
                 Teacher teams are selecting students who need more support with attendance.  We are  reaching out to students and families. 

4.Portrait of a Graduate Update ~ Shelley Allen

             Upcoming RISE UP Lessons:

                   Goal Setting
                   PILOT Reflection
                   Service – Grade Level Project
                   8th Grade Rise Up Project Due March 31

5.Counselors Report   ~ Amy Skelton

Finished with course requests and scheduling for next year. 

            NEEDS Assessment Survey for parents: state requires every three years for counselors to  
            help their comprehensive program through data collection
            Classroom lessons on CCR 6th/7th Grade

PTSA encouraged all of us to be active in the legislative process.

6. Action Item: Teacher Student Success Plan 2023 ~ Mindy Robison

             a.  Goals & Action Plan (TSSA & LAND Trust)
                  TSSP – click on link to get plan

    during the current school year. 

  • 60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Math Inventory (MI) during the current school year.    
  • On a monthly basis, at least 95% of students will be recognized through our school-wide positive behavior intervention system.

                       100% of students have been recognized each month
                       Student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores
                       from the pre and post wellness survey through the implementation of the
                       after-school program, counseling supports, and lessons in homeroom on Portrait of a Graduate.

               Based on funding we will have some changes with teachers. Some teachers will be
               asked to go part time or hourly.  We will need to use some of the TSSA and 
               LandTrust funding to help reduce the number of teachers we will lose.  
               This will help us  keep elective choices and intervention classes for students. 

               All decisions have been made based on data and student needs. 

                Our district and school administration have been very supportive.   Parents are willing 
                to help volunteer to help support teachers in the classroom. 

          Action Item: Approve Teacher Student Success Plan 2023.     
                  SCC will sign document 

                 b. Budget School Improvement (TSI)
                      We are on track. 

7. Targeted School Improvement (TSI) ~ Mindy Robison

             Met exit criteria for economically disadvantaged
             Still qualify for Special Education, Hispanic, Multilingual learners, and African 
             American students
8.TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets ~ Mindy Robison

             We are on track and have the ability to carry over 20% of the budget to next year.

9.Adjourn ~ Pamela Brown

              Motion to adjourn: Rachel Pena
              Second: Alicia Woodward
              Passed unanimously
              Our next meeting will be in online on April 12, 2023
              District Resources and Information for SCC Members:



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