Midvale Middle School
School Community Council
February 7 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Virtual Meeting https://meet.google.com/xrq-yvsw-sck
Parent Members Present: Janette Pasaye, Mac McCann, Pamela Brown, Jessica Dalton, Kimberly Menssen, Steve Brown
Staff Present: Mindy Robison, Amy Skelton, Jessica Olmos, Courtney Long, Shelley Allen, Jordan Cloward
Visitors: Amber Rock, Jason Baxter
Absent Parents: Alyssa Powers, Stephanie Liu, Mandy Yu, Shinyoung Ahn, Tami Yamane
- Welcome ~Pamela Brown
- Motion to Approve January Minutes: Shelley Allen
- Second: Amy Skelton
- Approved
- PTSA Report ~Alyssa Powers & Jessica Dalton
- No nonsense fundraiser coming up
- Dinner for PTC
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Student board is hard at work on the yearbook
Community School Facilitator Report ~Jessica Olmos
- February is literacy month
- World Read Aloud Day – Feb 7th
- February 28th and 29th we will have a book tasting activity for the literacy and reading classes
- Volunteer sign up to help with the Book Tasting event
- February is literacy month
- We are Midvale Cultural Committee
- Student videos
- What is your favorite thing about your culture
- What does culture mean to you
- Parent committee – recruiting during parent teacher conferences
- Student committee starting later this month
- Student videos
- Portrait of a Graduate Overview/Update Shelley Allen
- Kindness
- Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch
- Kindness Hearts
- Kindness
- Parent Teacher Conferences Reflections
- Grade Reflection
- PILOT Reflection
- Counselors Report ~ Amy Skelton
- Registration for next year
- deadlines for returning cards for incoming 7th and 8th graders this week
- High school counselors here on February 7 to work with 8th graders on course requests
- 6th grade CCA lesson on career exploration
- Registration for next year
- TSSP for next year ~Mindy Robison
- 75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Reading Lexile Assessment during the current school year.
- TSSP for next year ~Mindy Robison
- 60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Math Quartile Assessment during the current school year.
- On a monthly basis, at least 98% of students will be recognized through our school-wide positive behavior intervention system.
- Student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through the implementation of the after-school program, counseling supports, and lessons in homeroom on Portrait of a Graduate. (Dependent on current legislation about surveys)
- TSSP Budget Considerations
- Community Facilitator (.5)
- Behavior Interventionists/Check & Connect (2 – currently 1)
- FTE: Teaching Funding (.75 – currently .25)
- Counselor (.5)
- Mentors (2)
- SCC members are in support of the budget considerations
- TSSP update for this year ~Mindy Robison
- Additional Targeted Support for Improvement (ATSI)
- Designation occurs when your scores for a specific demographic are in the lower 5% range in the state.
- Not yet exited:
- SWD (Students with Disabilities)
- PI7 (Pacific Islander)
- Not yet exited:
- TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets ~Mindy Robison
- Showed the budgets
- Adjourn ~Pamela Brown
- Motion to adjourn: Jessica Dalton
- Second: Stephen Brown
District Resources and Information for SCC Members:
Our next meeting will be in person on March 6, 2024