7852 Pioneer Street, Midvale, UT 84047

Midvale Middle School 

School Community Council

Meeting Minutes for:

November 6, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Virtual Meeting

Members Present: Steve Brown (chair /parent), Mac McCann (vice chair / parent),  Alysha Braithwaite (parent),  Michelle Brandon (parent), Kimberly Menssen (parent), Courtney Long (principal), Shelley Allen (teacher / SCC secretary), Karalee Birima (teacher),  Amy Skelton (counselor), Jessica Olmos (community facilitator)

Visitors: Connie Simons (assistant principal), Kristine Millerberg (board member)

Members Absent:  Aimara Machin (parent), Janette Pasaye (parent)Agenda

  1. Welcome Steve Brown
  2. PTSA Report Michelle Brandon
    1. President: Michelle Brandon
    2. Member Update: 65 Members 
    3. Proposal: A proposal has been made to increase membership dues to $7 for the next school year. A vote will be sent to current members via Google Form.
    4. PTSA Spotlight: Lyndzi is leading the PTSA Spotlight initiative with the goal of increasing membership. She will also head the nomination committee if any board positions are unable to continue into the second term.
    5. Reflections Update: The Reflections program has closed, and judging is currently underway. The Reflections Chair will organize a celebration once judging is complete. Feedback is being shared for improvements for inclusive practices moving forward. 
  3. Counselors Report                                                                 Amy Skelton
    1. Reality Town is tomorrow Nov. 7
    2. 8th grade lesson–Counselors will be in US History class next Monday to talk All Things High School  🙂
    3. Will start scheduling Parent meetings for 8th graders to discuss transition to HS and beyond.  Information will be sent via Parent Square next week
  4. Action Item: Safety Plan Connie Simons
    1. We continued the discussion on the Safety Plan. It was voted on and submitted to the district.
  5. School Accountability Report Courtney Long
    1. We went over the school accountability. 
    2. It was discussed that there is a drop state-wide.
    3. We discussed the reasons for that.
    4. What is the school doing?
      1. QTEL strategies
      2. WIDA practice every quarter
      3. Focus on the 1
  6. Adjourn Steve Brown

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