7852 Pioneer Street, Midvale, UT 84047

Midvale Middle School 

School Community Council


May 8 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Virtual Meeting: https://meet.google.com/eeq-cfuc-jjd


Parent Members Present:  Pamela Brown, Alyssa Powers,  Kimberly Menssen, Steve Brown 

Staff Present: Mindy Robison,  Jordan Cloward, Shelley Allen, Chase Herbert

Absent Parents: Jessica Dalton, Shinyoung Ahn, Tami Yamane,  Stephanie Liu, Mandy Yu,  Janette Pasaye, Mac McCann 

Welcome ~Pamela Brown

  • Motion to Approve March Minutes: Mindy Robison 
  • Second: Alyssa Powers
  • Approved


PTSA Report ~Alyssa Powers & Jessica Dalton

  • Final meeting and luncheon is scheduled for next Wednesday
  • We want PTSA to continue next year, but we need more people to get involved 

Community School Facilitator Report Jessica Olmos

  • We are Midvale – Cultural Night – May 9th 
    • performances, student displays, whole school cultural artwork, candy booth, myths, folktales, food trucks, photo booth, salsa dance by LIA 
    • Let Jessica Olmos know if you are interested in helping 


Counselors Report ~Amy Skelton

  • Continuing to work on student schedules for next year
  • French  1A will not be offered next year.  We will still offer French 1B and French 2.  Spanish will continue to be offered.
  • Student Connectedness Survey Final Data
    • Fall 96% of students reported having a friend
      • Spring 96.7%of students reported having a friend
    • Fall 85.7% of students reported knowing an adult they can go to for help.
      • Spring 89.5% of students reported knowing an adult they can go to for help. 


Portrait of a Graduate Overview/Update ~Shelley Allen

  • Service Reflections


  • School Year Reflection


  • 8th Grade Awards Night May 16, 6 PM


Proposed Traffic Pattern for Next Year Officer Herbert

  • New changes
    • Traffic exiting the campus will be limited to right-hand turns, onto Southbound Pioneer.
    • Parking will be prohibited in the NW corner between MMS and MES. Areas include red painted curbs and the gates.
    • Both parking lots on the NW and NE will be available for parents during afternoon pickup.

  • Reasons for New Changes
  • Current traffic flow becomes congested at the intersection at Pioneer and the entrance.
  • Current parking in the NW corner causes congestions, parking issues and difficulty for faculty to supervise students. 
  • Traffic flow will be one direction with the exception of handicap or faculty to decrease the time parents are waiting in the Pick-up / Drop-off Lane.
  • Blocking of the left-hand turn lane while exiting will allow an access point for first responders in the event they are required at the school.

Updates for next year Courtney Long

  • Student ambassadors/student council
    • Student council will better represent our student body as a whole


  • Multilingual supports, QTEL August PD
    • Supports benefit and help all students
    • School wide book study 
  • TSSP has been approved 


TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets Mindy Robison

  • Showed the budgets 

Member Reflections  ~Mindy Robison

  • Things we learned / enjoyed about SCC
    • Members who focus on the entire school community 
    • Dedicated members who care and are invested 
    • Focus we have on growth, celebrate student success no matter the level of success 
    • Staff members who help students will their emotional support and mental wellness
  • Suggestions for improvement
    • Continue to stay involved 
    • Find a way to help more parents feel comfortable and confident to join the SCC


Adjourn ~Pamela Brown

  • Motion to adjourn: Stephen Brown
  • Second: Alyssa Powers 
  • Approved



District Resources and Information for SCC Members:


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