7852 Pioneer Street, Midvale, UT 84047

Midvale Middle School 

School Community Council


February 7 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Virtual Meeting https://meet.google.com/xrq-yvsw-sck


Parent Members Present:  Janette Pasaye, Mac McCann, Pamela Brown, Jessica Dalton, Kimberly Menssen, Steve Brown

Staff Present: Mindy Robison, Amy Skelton, Jessica Olmos, Courtney Long, Shelley Allen, Jordan Cloward

Visitors: Amber Rock, Jason Baxter 

Absent Parents: Alyssa Powers, Stephanie Liu, Mandy Yu, Shinyoung Ahn, Tami Yamane

  • Welcome ~Pamela Brown
    • Motion to Approve January Minutes: Shelley Allen
    • Second: Amy Skelton
    • Approved


  • PTSA Report ~Alyssa Powers & Jessica Dalton
    • No nonsense fundraiser coming up
    • Dinner for PTC 
    • Teacher Appreciation Week 
    • Student board is hard at work on the yearbook 

Community School Facilitator Report ~Jessica Olmos

    • February is literacy month 
      • World Read Aloud Day – Feb 7th 
      • February 28th and 29th we will have a book tasting activity for the literacy and reading classes
      • Volunteer sign up to help with the Book Tasting event


  • We are Midvale Cultural Committee
    • Student videos
      • What is your favorite thing about your culture
      • What does culture mean to you
    • Parent committee – recruiting during parent teacher conferences
    • Student committee starting later this month


  • Portrait of a Graduate Overview/Update Shelley Allen
    • Kindness
      • Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch
      • Kindness Hearts


  • Parent Teacher Conferences Reflections
    • Grade Reflection
    • PILOT Reflection


  • Counselors Report ~ Amy Skelton
    • Registration for next year
      • deadlines for returning cards for incoming 7th and 8th graders this week
      • High school counselors here on February  7 to work with 8th graders on course requests
      • 6th grade CCA lesson on career exploration


    • TSSP for next year ~Mindy Robison 
      • 75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Reading Lexile Assessment during the current school year.  
  • 60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Math Quartile Assessment during the current school year.    
    • On a monthly basis, at least 98% of students will be recognized through our school-wide positive behavior intervention system.
    • Student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through the implementation of the after-school program, counseling supports, and lessons in homeroom on Portrait of a Graduate. (Dependent on current legislation about surveys)
  • TSSP  Budget Considerations
    • Community Facilitator (.5)
    • Behavior Interventionists/Check & Connect (2 – currently 1)
    • FTE: Teaching Funding (.75 – currently .25)
    • Counselor (.5)
    • Mentors (2)
      • SCC members are in support of the budget considerations

  • TSSP update for this year ~Mindy Robison 
    • Additional Targeted Support for Improvement (ATSI) 
    • Designation occurs when your scores for a specific demographic are in the lower 5% range in the state.
      • Not yet exited:
        • SWD (Students with Disabilities)
        • PI7  (Pacific Islander)

  • TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets ~Mindy Robison
    • Showed the budgets


  • Adjourn ~Pamela Brown
    • Motion to adjourn: Jessica Dalton
    • Second: Stephen Brown


District Resources and Information for SCC Members:


Our next meeting will be in person on March 6, 2024

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org