Midvale Middle School
School Community Council
Meeting Agenda for:
November 1 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Virtual Meeting https://meet.google.com/xrq-yvsw-sck
Parent Members Present: Jessica Dalton, Kimberly Menseen, Mac McCann, Mandy Yu, Pamela Brown, Stephanie Liu, Tami Yamane, and Steve Brown
Staff Present: Mindy Robison, Amy Skelton, Kristana Price, Shelley Allen, Jessica Olmos, Cindy Hanson
Visitor: Amber Rock
Absent Parents: Shinyoung Ahn, Alyssa Powers, and Janette Pasaye
1.Welcome Pamela Brown
- Motion to Approve October Minutes: Mindy Robison
- Second: Steve Brown
- Approved
2. PTSA Report Alyssa Powers & Jessica Dalton
- P TSA student board is just beginning
- Coffee / Tea bar is a hit with the faculty
- Fundraiser will happen after the holidays
3. Community School Facilitator Report Jessica Olmos
- Day of Caring was a Success!
- We completed 48 service projects
- Volunteered at 4 elementary schools and HHS, supported Head Start, Primary Children’s Hospital, local animal shelter, letters to fire department, Tyler Library, and beautified our own school
- Reality Town – November 2nd
- Thank you for volunteering
- 8:30 – 11:00 am
- Thanksgiving Heroes
- We have started to accept nominations
- Items used to make a Thanksgiving meal
- If you have families that you know are in need, contact Jessica Olmos
- Wellness Night – November 8th
- 5:00 – 7:00 pm at Hillcrest High School
- Union and Midvale Middle School included
- Haircuts for students are free
- Dinner is provided
- Day of Caring was a Success!
4. Portrait of a Graduate Overview/Update Shelley Allen
- Community Thrive Time lessons
- Empathy
- Kids who have changed the world
- Grade Level Projects
- WADE Project – 6th Grade
- PILOT Project – 7th Grade
- RISE UP Project – 8th Grade
- Community Thrive Time lessons
5. Counselors Report Amy Skelton
- Reality Town on November 2
- 8th grade lesson – All About High School
- Scheduling parent meetings for 8th graders to discuss transition to high school and beyond
- Interim Site Review
6. School Data Review Mindy Robison
Reading Inventory
- 6th Grade: 152 students reached growth goal, 54.48%
- 7th Grade: 151 students reached growth goal, 54.91%
- 8th Grade: 150 students reached growth goal, 52.26%
Math Inventory
- 6th Grade: 89 students reached growth goal, 31.90%
- 7th Grade: 125 students reached growth goal, 46.64%
- 8th Grade: 116 students reached growth goal, 41.73%
Behavior Data
- Physical aggression is higher than the last three years
- We are having a much higher percentage of office discipline referrals are male.
Proactive Measures to address the increase in physical aggression
- Thrive Time Lessons on Conflict Resolution
- Small groups working with social worker on avoiding conflict
- Team meetings reviewing school rules with handout
- Meeting with school performance, special education and federal programs
- District support for placement and support changes
- Wednesday seems to be our most challenging day. We have implemented mindful activities to try to help Wednesday behaviors.
7. School Accountability Report Mindy Robison
- Achievement on RISE testing
- We were lower in all areas
- Other school experienced similar trends
- We reached exemplary growth in all areas!
- English Learner Progress and Growth
- We went up 9.8% in proficiency
- We are out of the critical needs area
- Achievement on RISE testing
8. ATSI Designation Mindy Robison
- We qualified in five areas
- African American / Black
- English Language Learners
- Hispanic
- Pacific Islanders
- Students with disabilities
- We qualified in five areas
9. Teacher Student Success Plan Mindy Robison
- Literacy goal is 75% of students will show expected growth on the RI.
- STEM goal is that 60% of students will show expected growth on the MI.
- Our first PBIS goal is monthly, at least 98% of students will be recognized using our school-wide PBIS system.
- Also, student connectivity will increase from the pre and post wellness survey.
10. TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets Mindy Robison
- Showed the budgets
11. Scams Mindy Robison
- The school or administration will never request any funds/gift cards
- We have seen an uptick in scams
- Look at the email address
12. Adjourn Pamela Brown- Motion to adjourn: Steve Brown
- Second: Jessica Dalton
District Resources and Information for SCC Members:
Our next meeting will be online on December 6, 2023