7852 Pioneer Street, Midvale, UT 84047

Midvale Middle School 

School Community Council Minutes

April 12, 2023 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Online Meeting: https://meet.google.com/xrq-yvsw-sck

Parent Members: Pamela Brown, Kathy Anderson, Alicia Woodward, Alyssa Powers, Andrea Andersen, Benjamin Wood, Janette Pasaye, Jessica Dalton, Mac McCann, Mandy Yu, Stephanie Liu and Rachel Pena. Alternate: Minh Thu Liew Parents in attendance: Pamela Brown, Mandy Yu, Alicia WoodwardAndrea Andersen, Jessica Dalton, Patricia Costello, Mac McCann  

Parents not present: Minh Thu Liew, Stephanie Liu, Janette Pasaye, Alyssa Powers, Rachel Pena, Kathy Andersen, Benjamin Wood

Faculty members in attendance: Mindy Robison, Divya Nagpal, Amy Skelton, Jessica Olmos, Jordan Cloward, and Shelley Allen. 

  1. Welcome Pamela Brown   

      2. Action Item: Approve March Minutes 

               Motion to approve: Alicia Woodward

               Second: Jessica Dalton

               Passed unanimously

  • PTSA Update Patricia Costello

We need a PTSA president for next year. 

Time commitment is an hour or less each week. 

      3. Community School Facilitator Report Jessica Olmos

            CAYCI Survey 

                 25.5% of parents completed the CAYCI Survey.

                 80.9% of students complete the CAYCI Survey. 

                 100% of faculty and staff completed the  CAYCI Survey. 


             We are Midvale Cultural Night (May 11th) 

             Food Trucks will be available at 5:30

             Session 1 of performances will begin at 6:00

             Session 2 of performances will begin at 7:00

             Different activities will be available to participate in and families can complete a 

             passport of the different activities.  


Attendance Update:

RISE testing coming up in May, students will be recording tips and tricks for getting to bed on time and eating a good breakfast.

We’ve taken photos of our students for their attendance posters to use next year!


             4. Portrait of a Graduate Update Shelley Allen

             Upcoming RISE UP Lessons:

                        MI/RI Goal and Reflection

             Goal Setting

             End of Year Celebrations:

                  8th Grade Awards Night – May 18, 6 PM

                  7th Grade PILOT Activities – May 23, during the school day

                  6th Grade WADE Activities – May 23, during the school day


             5. Counselors Report     Amy Skelton

Continuing work on scheduling.  

            Classroom lessons for test anxiety in MI classes.

Spring Student Connectedness Survey given April 14th. 


              6.    TSSP     Mindy Robison

    during the current school year. 

  • 60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Math Inventory (MI) during the current school year.    
  • On a monthly basis, at least 95% of students will be recognized through our school-wide positive behavior intervention system.

                       100% of students have been recognized each month

                   Student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through the implementation of the                       after-school program, counseling supports, and lessons in homeroom on Portrait of a Graduate.

              7.  3rd Quarter Data Mindy Robison

                   Attendance is still the greatest area of concern for students being in danger of not graduating.

                       Patterns for 2nd to 3rd term:

                       Special Education students have maintained attendance.

                       All other groups of students have declined in attendance.

                       Number of office discipline referrals have stayed consistent. 

                       Almost every population of students have increased their GPA.

                       Very few students are getting suspended.  The number of students who are suspended have stayed consistent.

                       Teacher observations have shown that teacher positive feedback to students is in the highly effective range.

             8.  Targeted School Improvement (TSI) Mindy Robison

                    Met exit criteria for economically disadvantaged

                    Still qualify for Special Education, Hispanic, Multilingual learners, and African 

                    American students 

             9. TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets Mindy Robison

                  We are on track and have the ability to carry over 10% of the budget to next year. 

           10. Adjourn Pamela Brown

                 Motion to adjourn: Mac McCann  

                Second: Andrea Andersen

                Passed unanimously

Our next meeting will be in online on Wednesday, May 3rd

District Resources and Information for SCC Members:


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