7852 Pioneer Street, Midvale, UT 84047

       Midvale Middle School 

School Community Council Minutes

November 2, 2022 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Online Meeting: https://meet.google.com/xrq-yvsw-sck


Parent Members: Pamela Brown, Kathy Anderson, Alicia Woodward, Alyssa Powers, Andrea Andersen, Benjamin Wood, Janette Pasaye, Jessica Dalton, Mac McCann, Mandy Yu, Stephanie Liu and Rachel Pena. Alternate: Minh Thu Liew Parents in attendance: Pamela Brown, Kathy Anderson,  Alyssa Powers, Andrea Andersen, Benjamin Wood, Jessica Dalton, Mac McCann, Stephanie Liu, and Rachel Pena.

Parents not present: Minh Thu Liew, Janette Pasaye, Alicia Woodward, & Mandy Yu

Board Member Present: Mont Millerberg


Faculty members in attendance: Mindy Robison, ConnieTrue Simons, Amy Skelton, Jessica Olmos, Jordan Cloward, and Shelley Allen. 


  1. Welcome ~  Pamela Brown   


Action Item: Approve September Minutes 

Motion to approve with attendance correction: Jessica Dalton

Second: Andrea Andersen

Passed unanimously


  1. PTSA Report

PTSA has been very supportive of us.  Coffee, tea and hot chocolate bar has been very appreciated. 


  1. Community School Facilitator Report ~ Jessica Olmos

We have had many coats and hoodies donated.  We are giving them out almost daily.  We can still use donations. 

Thanksgiving Heroes provide meals for those who need them. https://www.thanksgivingsheroes.org/saltlakecity 


We have such a great school community of teachers, parents and volunteers who want to help and ask what they can do for the Holiday Support for families.  Here is a Sign Up Genius with the items we give to our families. 


Reality Town will be Dec. 7th  – Information for volunteers will be sent out soon. 


  1. Portrait of a Graduate Update  ~ Shelley Allen

8th – RISE UP Project – How will I make a difference?

  • Max score of 4 currently possible
  • Scores are posted in Canvas and Skyward

Upcoming RISE UP Lessons:

  • Open-minded Communicator 
  • Veterans Day Fact Scavenger Hunt


  1. Counselors Report ~ Amy Skelton

8th grade–will be starting Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR)

             meetings with  parents.  Lessons will help with on to prepare for  high school transition

  • Student Ambassador’s helping with Wear your Glasses Campaign
  • Student Connectedness Survey 
    • We are a little higher in having a friend at school and have a trusted adult at school in comparison to last fall. 


  1.   School Accountability Report ~ Mindy Robison

 Proficiency on the year-end RISE test (significantly higher than similar schools)

  • English Language Arts increased by 7%
  • Mathematics increased by 9.7%
  • Science increased by 4.9%

Our English Language Learners making adequate progress increased by 11.8% as measured by the WIDA test.

Growth on the year-end RISE test wasn’t as high as anticipated.


  1.   Life Skills Curriculum ~ Shelley Allen

            District created materials to replace Second Step.

Helping students develop skills to help them be successful in school, college, and life

  • Making Responsible Decisions
  • Setting Goals for Positive Growth
  • Building Resilience
  • Understanding and Serving Your Community
  • Respecting Self, Others, and Resolving Conflict 

Knowledge, Attitude, Skills

  • Self-awareness
  • Critical thinking 
  • Decision making
  • Problem solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Interpersonal Relationship 
  • Empathy
  • Healthy coping with stress
  • Healthy emotional coping

       The curriculum is scheduled to go live January 6th.

        All Parents will have a three-week window to review the resources before it goes live on 

       1/30/23 (more information will be coming) 


  1. Identify 2 Safety Concerns ~ Pamela Brown / Mindy Robison


  1. a.    Behavior Data ~ Mindy Robison
  • Only includes Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs): 271 total referrals
  • Time period: 1st day of school to 10/27/22
  • 34% of all ODRs are 10 students
    • Students have been referred to District Case Management Team (DCMT)
    • Some students no longer attend


  1.     b.    Early Warning System (EWS) ~ Mindy Robison

                          The  Early Warning System shows students who are in danger of not graduating.  

                          EWS – 1st Quarter 


% On Track

% At Risk

% Off Track

% Severe






Fs & Ds










Overall EWS











We will identify our top 2 safety concerns during our next meeting. 

      Ideas discussed: 

       Social emotional / behavior supports




  1. Teacher Student Success Plan ~ Mindy Robison
    • 75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Reading Inventory (RI) during the current school year.  
  • 60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Math Inventory (MI) during the current school year.    
  • On a monthly basis, at least 95% of students will be recognized through our school-wide positive behavior intervention system.
    • 100% of students were recognized every month
  • Student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through the implementation of the after-school program, counseling supports, and lessons in homeroom on Portrait of a Graduate.

  1. TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets ~ Mindy Robison

            Budgets have not yet allocated

  • Anticipating around $225,000 total


  1. Adjourn Pamela Brown

Motion to adjourn: Benjamin Wood

Second: Mac McCann

Passed unanimously

Our next meeting will be online on December 7, 2022


District Resources and Information for SCC Members:



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org