Midvale Middle School
School Community Council Minutes
March 10, 2021 – 5:30 pm
In attendance:
Alyssa Powers, Ben Wood, Rachel Pena, Jeanette Dummer, Pamela Brown, Mac McCann, Janette Pasaye, Kathy Anderson, Janette Pasaye, Andrea Andersen, Lindsay Butrum, Mindy Robison, Ariana Franco, Jessica Olmos, Tamara Taysom, and Shelley Allen
- Welcome Pamela Brown
- Approval of February Minutes Pamela Brown
Motion to approve the minutes: Jeanette Dummer
Second: Alyssa Powers
- PTSA Report Lindsay Butrum
PTSA website: https://sites.google.com/view/midvaleptsa/home
Looking for nomination for next year… president, president elect, treasurer
Training is available for all of these positions.
The PTSA fundraiser was very successful.
Student board is active and passionate. They just went to the Capital.
Yearbooks are currently on sale for $15.
You can buy shoutouts for the yearbook.
Seeking gift cards for teacher appreciation week.
Please stay involved during the legislative session next year.
- Community School Facilitator Report Jessica Olmos
Parent/Family Engagement
- Survey went out in paper form during Parent/Teacher conference
- ParentSquare, Skylert
Love of Reading week/RAAD
- Really successful, we had a lot of participation from students and teachers.
We are Midvale- Multicultural night
- April 14th 6- 8 pm
- Food trucks, booths and performances by students
- If you have ideas or suggestions, please tell Jessica.
- Students can sign up to participate
- MYP (Middle Years Programme) Update Shelley Allen
Reflective Inquirers
Student feedback on Portrait of a Graduate during Trojan Time on Friday.
Statement of Inquiry:
Asking questions can help us determine if we are in our upstairs or downstairs brain and help us make good decisions.
MYP Awards Night – May 19th
Last day to turn anything in for the Make a Difference Project is March 31st.
- Portrait of a Graduate Update Shelley Allen
– Receiving feedback from all stakeholders
– Parents
– Students
– Teachers
March – PILOT groups to begin planning phase 1 implementation
April – Feedback from stakeholders on plans
May – PILOT groups finalize Phase 1 implementation
- Counselors Report Ariana Franco
College and Career lessons for 6th and 7th grade
Working on scheduling for 2022-23
District wide we are down about 1,000 students. Mindy has been working on
balancing schedule needs and keeping teachers.
- TSI Update (Targeted School for Improvement) Mindy Robison
African American (Blacks)
Economically Disadvantaged
Multilingual Learners
Students with Disabilities
*Goal is to increase growth and proficiency on the RISE test
*Action plan is being revised
*Focused on Reading Inventory (RI) and Math Inventory (MI) growth
*Intervention courses (Read 180 and Math 180)
*Small group instruction in all classes
Proposed Action Steps for all disaggregated populations:
- Support teachers implementing small group instruction, to provide more focused instruction
- Provide the data for students, teachers, and parents on RI and MI with expected growth
- Provide Intervention Courses (Math 180/Read 180)
- Provide interventionists to support classroom instruction, small group instructions, & individualized supports
- Focus on the mindset of learning
- Provide a study skills course to help students with basic skills for academic success
- Provide high-quality after school programming focused on academic growth and enrichment
- Ensure a positive climate focused on rewarding students for growth
Multilingual learners:
- Provide students access to System 44
- Provide Newcomer classes to support students new to the country
- Provide peer support by combing newcomer and Latinos in Action students
- Provide co-teaching to reinforce vocabulary and language acquisition
- Final Reports TSSP/LAND Trust (2020-2021) Mindy Robison
Math Goal – Final Report
Goal: 60% of students will meet or exceed growth rates on Mathematics Inventory (MI) in the 2020-2021 school year.
6th graders, 48% of students met or exceeded expected growth rates.
7th graders, 58% of students met or exceeded expected growth rates.
8th graders, 55% of students met or exceeded expected growth rates.
Reading Goal – Final Report
Goal: 75% of students will meet or exceed growth rates on Reading Inventory (RI) in the 2020-2021 school year.
6th graders, 55% of students met or exceeded expected growth rates.
7th graders, 57% of students met or exceeded expected growth rates.
8th graders, 60% of students met or exceeded expected growth rates.
School Climate – Final Report
Goal: During informal and formal observations, 80% of the positive to corrective feedback will be at least 3:1 ratio by May 2021.
Results: During the 2020-201 school year, there were 172 ipops conducted. There were 138 observations that had at least 3 to 1 positive to corrective ratios.
Goal: By May of 2021, student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through the implementation of the after school program, counseling supports, and lessons in Trojan Time on trauma- informed practices.
There was a 2.6% increase from fall (81.6%) to spring (84.4%) on the question, “I know an adult at school/online I can talk with if I need help.”
There was a 3.3% increase from fall (89.8%) to spring (93.1%) on the question, “I have friends at Midvale Middle School.”
- TSSP (finalize plans for this year) Mindy Robison
This is our current TSSP plan:
Literacy: Performance Goal
- 75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Reading Inventory (RI) during the current school year.
Math: Performance Goals
- 60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth rates on the Mathematics Inventory (MI) during the current school year.
PBIS Goals
- 80% of the formal and informal observations during the current school year will have a positive to corrective feedback ratio of at least 3:1.
- By May of 2021, student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through implementation of after school programming, counseling supports and the social emotional curriculum.
TSSP Plan for Next Year:
75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth rates on the Reading Inventory (RI) in the 2022-2023 school year.
Goal: MATH
60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth rates on the Mathematics Inventory (MI) in the 2022-2023 school year.
Goals: PBIS
On a monthly basis, at least 95% of students will be recognized through our
school-wide positive system.
By May of 2023, student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through the implementation of the after-school program, counseling supports, and lessons in homeroom on Portrait of a Graduate.
Double check the funding for field trips. Mindy will make sure the budget for
field trips are equal for both goals.
- Provide real-world experience through field trips that support
interdisciplinary connections in mathematics at a cost of $7,000.
- Provide real-world experience through field trips that support interdisciplinary connections to our literacy goal at a cost of $4,000.
Motion to approve the TSSP Plan: Lindsay Butrum
Second: Mac McCann
- Update on TSSP Grants Mindy Robison
Most of the grants that do not require bids have been purchased.
- TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets Mindy Robison
2021-2022 – $212,976.85
District is allowing more than 10% carryover.
LAND Trust – $149,999.85
State does not allow more than a 10% carryover.
- Adjourn Pamela Brown
Motion to adjourn: Jeanette Dummer
Second: Tamara Taysom
Next Meeting is April 13 @5:30