7852 Pioneer Street, Midvale, UT 84047

School Community Council Minutes

February 2, 2021 – 5:30 pm

In attendance:       Rachel Pena, Jen Stitt, Jeanette Dummer, Pamela Brown, Janette Pasaye, Kathy Anderson, Alicia Woodward, Mindy Robison, Courtney Long, Ariana Franco, Jessica Olmos, Tamara Taysom, Mont Millerberg, Cindy Hanson, and Shelley Allen

1. Welcome      Pamela Brown

2. Approval of January Minutes      Pamela Brown
     Motion to approve the minutes: Jeanette Dummer Second: Shelley Allen

3. PTSA Report      Lindsay Butrum
    PTSA website: https://sites.google.com/view/midvaleptsa/home Fundraiser has been successful. We have almost met our goal. PTSA has done very nice things to help support teachers. Teachers love the food and treats they have provided.

4. Community School Facilitator Report      Jessica Olmos
    Parent/Family Engagement
    ● How do we increase parent engagement in our school?
    ● Parent/family engagement Survey, basic questions about what they have attended in the past and what they feel is important.
    ● Goal is to have it ready to go out during Parent/teacher conferences.
    ● Love of Reading Week/Read Across America Day: Week of Feb.28thMarch 3rd

5. MYP (Middle Years Programme) Update.     Shelley Allen.   
    TOP BRICCCK Focus: Reflective Communicators
    Statement of Inquiry: Reflective thinking helps us self manage the zones of regulation.
    Service Goal: Teach others about the zones of regulation.

6. Counselors Report      Ariana Franco.   
    Registration for the 2022-2023 School Year
    ● Tuesday, Feb. 1st-counselors went to elementary schools for incoming 6th graders. Cards are DUE FEB. 7th.
    ● Wednesday Feb. 2nd–counselors presented in 6th grade science classes registration info and handed out 7th grade cards. DUE FEB. 7th
    ● Thursday Feb. 3rd–counselors will present in 7th grade science classes registration info and will hand out 8th grade cards. DUE FEB. 8th
    ● Feb. 8th at 9:00am Jordan Counselor at MMS
    ● Feb. 9–Hillcrest Counselors at MMS in History classes

7. Portrait of a Graduate Proposal      Shelley Allen/Mindy Robison
    W – Wellness
    A – Academic Mastery
    D – Digital Literacy
    E – Economic and Civic Literacy
    We “WADE” through… Mastery takes time.
    P – Problem Solver
    I -Innovate
    L – Logical Thinker
    O – Open-minded Communicator
    T – Team work
    When you have autonomy you are you own “PILOT”
    R – Responsibility / Respect
    I – Integrity
    S – Service
    E – Extra Hard Worker
    U – Upbeat Resilience
    P – Personal Growth
    Our purpose helps us “RISE UP” and reach our goals.
          ● Feedback from Community Stakeholders (SCC, PTSA, etc.)
          ● Canvas Module for teacher to complete to better understand Portrait of a Graduate (stipend provided)
          ● Partnership with state school board members
               ● March – PILOT groups to begin planning phase 1 implementation
               ● April – Feedback from stakeholders on plans
               ● May – PILOT groups finalize Phase 1 implementation
          Council is supportive of moving forward with implementation of Portrait of a Graduate. This will be the last year that we implement the Middle Years                      Programme.
          We want parents to be involved and provide feedback as we implement. August – Implementation of Phase 1

8. TSI Update (Targeted School for Improvement).     Mindy Robison
    African American (Blacks)
    Economically Disadvantaged
    Multilingual Learners
    Students with Disabilities
    *Goal is to increase growth and proficiency on the RISE test
    *Action plan is being revised
        *Focused on Reading Inventory (RI) and Math Inventory (MI) growth
        *Intervention courses (Read 180 and Math 180)
        *Small group instruction in all classes

    Proposed Action Steps for all disaggregated populations:
    1. Support teachers implementing small group instruction, to provide more focused instruction
    2. Provide the data for students, teachers, and parents on RI and MI with expected growth
    3. Provide Intervention Courses (Math 180/Read 180)
    4. Provide interventionists to support classroom instruction, small group instructions, & individualized supports
    5. Focus on the mindset of learning
    6. Provide a study skills course to help students with basic skills for academic success
    7. Provide high-quality after school programming focused on academic growth and enrichment
    8. Ensure a positive climate focused on rewarding students for growth
    Multilingual learners:
    1. Provide students access to System 44
    2. Provide Newcomer classes to support students new to the country
    3. Provide peer support by combing newcomer and Latinos in Action students
    4. Provide co-teaching to reinforce vocabulary and language acquisition

9. Reading and Math Inventory      Mindy Robison
    28% of students have made expected growth for the year on the Math Inventory.
    44% of students have made expected growth for the year on the Reading Inventory.
    46% of SALTA students have made expected growth for the year on the Math Inventory.
    54% of SALTA students have made expected growth for the year on the Reading Inventory.
    23% of Non-SALTA students have made expected growth for the year on the Math Inventory.
    41% of Non-SALTA students have made expected growth for the year on the Reading Inventory.

10. TSSP (Plans for this year)      Mindy Robison
    This is our current TSSP plan:
    Literacy: Performance Goal
    ● 75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on the Reading Inventory (RI) during the current school year.
    Math: Performance Goals
    ● 60% of students will meet or exceed expected growth rates on the Mathematics Inventory (MI) during the current school year.
    PBIS Goals
    ● 80% of the formal and informal observations during the current school year will have a positive to corrective feedback ratio of at least 3:1.
    ● By May of 2021, student connectivity and wellness will increase as measured by improved scores from the pre and post wellness survey through implementation of after school programming, counseling supports and the social emotional curriculum.

    2021 Student – Survey Results
    Three scores that we scored higher than the middle school district average:
    1- I know an adult at my school that I can talk with if I need help.
    2- Adults at my school treat me with respect.
    3- If someone does not understand, my teacher explains it in another way.
   Three scores that we scored lower than the middle school district average:
    1- At my school, students are recognized for following the school rules.
    2- My school is a place where I feel safe.
    3- My school sets clear rules for behavior.

    2021 Parent – Survey Results
    Three scores that we scored higher than the middle school district average:
    1- I am pleased with how much my child is learning at this school.
    2- This school communicates effectively with me.
    3- Staff members are respectful towards my children.
    Three scores that we scored lower than the middle school district average:
    1- I feel my child is safe at this school.
    2- Staff members respond to my concern in an appropriate and timely manner.
    3- I feel welcome at this school.

    Consider changing the 1st PBIS goal to student recognition of PBIS Rewards.

11. Update on TSSP Grants     Mindy Robison
    1/28 – All teachers notified of approvals
    1/28 – Purchasing began
    2/15 – Purchasing deadline for funds that don’t require bids
    3/15 – Purchasing deadline for funds that require bids Teachers are super excited and grateful.

12. TSSA/LAND Trust Budgets      Mindy Robison
    We are on track with our budgets. Budgets seem high currently, but we will have the budgets spent on time.

13. Adjourn      Pamela Brown
    Motion to adjourn: Jeanette Dummer Second: Rachel Pena

Next Meeting is March 9th @5:30

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