7852 Pioneer Street, Midvale, UT 84047

Midvale Middle School / School Community Council / Minutes


1. Welcome                                                                              Pamela Brown

2. Approval of October meeting minutes                            Pamela Brown

3. Suggested bylaw edits Mindy Robison

4. PTSA Report (Reflections and More)                              Lindsay Butram

          a. PTSA has focused a lot on supporting teacher morale.
          b. Members were encouraged to join the PTSA if they haven’t already as there are weekly updates.

5. Community School Facilitator Report                              Jessica Olmos

          a. The Hog Wallow and Albion Middle school provided us with coats and hoodies. They may also be able to get some winter gear (gloves and beanies).
          b. PTSA- we have received boots and shoes from parents.
          c. Thanksgiving Heroes- making food deliveries the week before thanksgiving. d. Holiday Supports
               ■ Application for holiday support has been out for a week, we already have 50 submissions.
               ■ Sent information out to those interested in supporting our school and teachers/staff.

6. MYP (Middle Years Programme) Update                          Shelley Allen

          a. TOP BRICCCK Focus:
               ■ Principled and Reflective
          b. Statement of Inquiry:
               ■ Principled people say hello, goodbye, please and thank you.
          c. Service Goal:
               ■ Write a Thank You Card

7. Counselors Report.                                                                  Amy Skelton

          a. 8th grade–High School transition lesson in US History class and starting Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR) parent meetings. Nov-Dec In-person or virtual
          b. Coming up in Dec–7th grade Suicide prevention curriculum (Lifelines) in Health
          c. Coming up in Dec–6th grade–lesson on college/career intro vocabulary

8. School Safety report/Digital Citizenship report.                  Judy Rembacz

          a. Digital Citizenship Plan:
                 ■ https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc/digital-citizenship/
                      1. Watched video
                           a. Canyons computers and internet are filtered
                           b. Students are taught digital citizenship skills at school
                           c. Ed tech, field tech, and digital citizenship coordinator work together to support teachers, students, and parents in the use of technology
                ■ https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc-digital-citizenship/
                ■ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LYnsPGfDjytQw0OZj NVjnFJZ78oX-BEbWr5gCBfqm6s/edit
                      1. SCC will review the 20 minute video on their own and email questions to Mindy prior to December meeting
            b. Safety focus:
                ■ Parking lot/drop-off and pick up concerns
                     1. Retraining for parents on how it should work
                ■ Discussed two main concerns: emotional well being of students and parking lot safety.
                     1. 12 or the 18 people present voted to make social emotional learning our number 1 safety concern and parking lot safety our secondary concern

9. TSI Update (Targeted School for Improvement)                        Mindy Robison

            a. African American (Blacks)
            b. Economically Disadvantaged
            c. Hispanic
            d. Multilingual Learners
            e. Students with Disabilities
                 ■ Goal is to increase growth and proficiency on the RISE test
                 ■ Action plan is being revised
                      1. Focused on Reading Inventory (RI) and Math Inventory (MI) growth
                      2. Intervention courses (Read 180 and Math 180)
                      3. Small group instruction in all classes
           f. Proposed Action Steps for all disaggregated populations:
                  ■ Support teachers implementing small group instruction, to provide more focused instruction
                  ■ Provide the data for students, teachers, and parents on RI and MI with expected growth
                  ■ Provide Intervention Courses (Math 180/Read 180)
                  ■ Provide interventionists to support classroom instruction, small group instructions, & individualized supports
                  ■ Focus on the mindset of learning
                  ■ Provide a study skills course to help students with basic skills for academic success
                  ■ Provide high-quality after school programming focused on academic growth and enrichment
                  ■ Ensure a positive climate focused on rewarding students for growth
           g. Multilingual learners:
                  ■ Provide students access to System 44
                  ■ Provide Newcomer classes to support students new to the country
                  ■ Provide peer support by combing newcomer and Latinos in Action students
                  ■ Provide co-teaching to reinforce vocabulary and language acquisition

10.TSSA & LAND Trust Budgets                                                       Mindy Robison

            a. 2021-2022 Allocations
                  ■ *TSSA Funds – $212,976.85
                  ■ *LAND Trust – $149,999.85
            b. Hired a 2nd Student Mentor
            c. Hiring a contracted substitute
            d. Paying for teachers to work during their prep
            e. Grants: would like to start soon and allocate throughout the year based on funding
                 ■ Process for awarding teacher grants was discussed.
                 ■ It was proposed that we have some way for the students to vote on the grants, too.
                 ■ Mindy will send out a timeline and ask for SCC volunteers to help read through the grants and decide which will be funded.

11. Adjourn                                                                                             Pamela Brown

District Resources and Information for SCC Members:


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